3 Wellness Routines You Can Do Every Day

Some people may find it intimidating to live a healthier lifestyle because of the countless content we can find online about the drastic changes we need to make for holistic wellness. However, this shouldn’t be the case. In itself, the whole idea of wellness is for us to live our best lives physically, mentally, and emotionally, and with all the pressures we’re already encountering in this world, our wellness shouldn’t be a part of that.
Here at You Can Do Fit, our goal is to make fitness activities and other outdoor training benefit our physical and mental health. We don’t want your wellness journey to feel intimidating, so whether you’re looking at trying out our outdoor group fitness sessions or simply taking some baby steps to improve your daily lifestyle, here are some simple tips to start.
Take a Break In-Between Screen Time
If your job entails working in front of a screen for long periods, taking breaks by browsing social media isn’t exactly taking a break. Spending so much time mindlessly scrolling on social media can overstimulate our brains, whether we’re conscious of it or not. The best way to pause between screen times is to set the smartphone aside, step away from the workstation, and take a quick walk around. It doesn’t matter if it’s just somewhere around your house. What matters is your few minutes of brain break and your eyes’ temporary relief from staring at screens. Just have a few of these short breaks in between, and it can do wonders for your mental health and productivity!
Integrate Healthier Eating Habits That Still Make Eating a Fun and Pleasurable Experience
If you’re actively doing bootcamp workouts or practising an active lifestyle in general, the best way to support that great effort is to have healthier eating habits. No, we don’t mean sad eating habits. Healthy eating doesn’t have to make mealtimes a dreadful experience. You can still enjoy your favourite foods in moderation and in significant intervals. You can also try easing in with cutting calories by slashing 500 calories from your regular intake. It doesn’t have to be a drastic change at all, but bit by bit, these small habits can have significant impacts on your overall health and wellness.
Take a Leisure Walk or Do Simple Movements Every Day
Small steps lead to big results. If 10,000 steps sound too far-fetched, start with your first 500 steps daily – from there, you can start moving to your next 1,000. Build up this habit daily, and you’ll see how far it can get you! You can also make this a fun experience by going on a stroll outdoors or taking some outdoor fitness classes to help with the step count.
Speaking of which, if you’re around Perth, you can drop by and join our outdoor fitness classes near you! We host lots of exciting fitness activities for women and have an excellent support group for training where we make an active lifestyle fun and fulfilling experience for you.
Come join us!